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Felimm for Cats

Helps your pet fight Feline Leukemia, FIV virus,other viral infections, and lymphoma

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Can cats with FeLV live a healthy and normal life?

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read
Can cats with FeLV live a healthy and normal life?

Cooper is a sweet kitty who’s got a second chance in life thanks to his mom’s good intuition and hope. Cooper was a rescue kitten, so his mom thought it was a good idea to have him checked at the vet. He tested negative for feline leukemia (FeLV) the first time, but a couple of months later, his mom noticed he was acting a little odd. Cooper wasn’t eating well and he wasn’t as active as usual, so his mom decided to take him for another vet visit, only to find out that he did actually have FeLV.

Unfortunately, feline leukemia can go into remission or lay dormant in kittens, even after a negative test, so it is always a good idea to do a retest after 6 months or so. The immune system of cats with FeLV can become very weak and present many symptoms including upper respiratory infections, weight loss, loss of appetite, poor coat condition, and lethargy, so cats with FeLV should be given extra support.

With good care though, they can pretty much be like any normal cat – sometimes lazy, sometimes playful, sometimes purring, sometimes wild, but they are all great fur companions!

At the time, Cooper’s vets were worried about his condition and they even told his mom that he would have to be put down. Thankfully, knowing her kitty and trusting her intuition, Cooper’s mom did some research and found NHV’s supplements to help him beat the odds and bring him back to a normal kitty life.

Cooper the cat - diagnosed with Felv

First Update – December 2018 (Few weeks after starting NHV)

Cooper’s mom posted the first update on her Instagram account @desertwitchstudio just a couple of weeks after Cooper started taking NHV’s supplements and almost a month later came another one!

Within a few days, he was eating and building up his strength. Now he runs to his room for food. With NHV products I believe cats may have more than nine lives.

Update – February 2019

“He even started using the scratch post that he hasn’t done in months.”

Can cats with FeLV live a healthy and normal life?

Part of Cooper’s healing program includes sitting on top of the pool’s waterfall and basking in the sun.

cooper cat felv

Resting and getting lots of love and attention from his mom

cooper felv cat

And getting NHV supplements daily

Cooper the cat taking his supplements 1

Ups and downs

Recently, Cooper started to show signs of a flare-up. His sores on his head came back and he started to have soft stools. His mom got in touch with us and our Vet Team recommended increasing the dose of his supplements. Our blends are gently and safely formulated so they can be doubled if needed, preferably, after consulting one of the NHV Pet Experts.

Out Pet Expert team also recommended a higher dose of NHV Plantaeris as a natural relief to help his diarrhea and All-Clear Ointment to be applied topically on his sores.

Update – March 2019

It looks like his poops are starting to form normally. And the sore on his head has scabbed & peeled…. so that’s looking better. He still eats & drinks really well.

Sometimes Cooper has abnormal breathing rates, some days he will hide and want time alone. But his mom keeps NHV Pet Experts updated to work on his doses. His anemia is the most recent symptom that Cooper’s integrative team is working on. A higher dose of NHV Multi Essentials is helping. Barring those few down days, Cooper is a mischievous little kitty and loves to play guide and playmate to his cat sibling, Sophie, a healthy one-eyed kitten.

Cooper down days
Cooper and Sophie

Sometimes his mom needs to integrate antibiotics and steroids. “The combination with your products has helped him tremendously. He seems so happy and content. His eyes look healthy & his mane is starting to grow back. Yay, Cooper!”

This is him enjoying his backyard, like a normal and healthy cat!

Cooper FeLV kitten super active

Second update!  27, We are so happy that our supplements are helping this cutie 😘. Raiding pantry seems like a favorite pass time for him 🙈

What supplements are helping Cooper?

NHV Felimm is a natural vet formulated herbal support that helps fight the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). It strengthens the immune system and increases the ability of cats to fight infections.

NHV Multi Essentials can help stimulate the metabolism, aid effective digestion and help fill nutritional voids

ES-Clear: for additional immune system support, to help him maintain energy levels and support his appetite.

If you have any questions about cats with FeLV or your pet’s health, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our NHV Pet Experts!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: March 20, 2019

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