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How to Raise the Perfect Adventure Pet – An Outdoor Loving Cat or Dog

Pet Care Tips 7 min read
Cat on walk

Life is better when there’s fresh air, bright stars, s’mores, and a warm sleeping bag. But life is best when you have a four-legged friend to snuggle in that warm sleeping bag with! Their nails might puncture the bag though. But that’s the beauty of an adventure pet. You stop counting the miles and start collecting the smiles.

What about your pet? Will your cat enjoy exploring the wild in your backpack? Will your dog enjoy living in an RV for a month or more? You won’t know the answer unless you try.

Having your adventure pet right beside you to experience the view after the climb and walk the trail to the falls makes it twice as rejuvenating. NHV Pet Experts are all pet parents like you – and we can tell from experience it’s really easy to raise an adventure dog or cat. You just need to know a couple of tips and tricks.

How To Raise An Adventure Dog Or An Adventure Cat

1 – Train them to be safe on an adventure

Heal Care helps heal Frenchie Gus Gus' scabby nose

Your pet should know basic commands like yes, no, stay and most of all, they should come when called by their name. This is very important, as your pet needs to know when to drop everything and come rushing to you.

Dogs are naturally inclined to identify their names but cats need training. The best time to train your cat is when she is hungry. Call her name clearly and keep giving her bite-sized treats as she responds.

Once you have them responding to their names, try to make them come running when you make a certain noise or blow the whistle a certain way. This will help you when you see your pet wandering off to a danger zone beyond the reach of your loudest cry.

Train them to be independent and social. Pets with separation anxiety are not good adventure companions. Keep your exits and entries calm and less dramatic. Consider trying natural supplements to help keep an anxious pet stay calm.

2 – Toilet training is a must

adventure pet
Copyright – @Strayliotta from Instagram

We tend to relax more when we know we have access to a clean toilet. Being out and about is more fun on a light tummy. It’s the same for our pets.

To raise an adventure dog or cat it is important to keep their bowel movements healthy and regular. Your cat especially wants a safe place to relieve himself. Here are some tips to make this happen.

From the very start, try to reward your pet each time he takes a poop. Initially, you can reward him with a treat and gradually phase out the treats and just reward him with a pat, scratches, and praises. Your pet should understand that going to the litter box or pooping is a positive thing.

To regulate your pet’s toilet timings you have to regulate his meal timings. Always give him meals at the same time every day. This will make him poop around the same time too. When out on an adventure stick to the same meal timings and you will know when he will need to poop. This really comes in handy with cats.

Keep them used to going in your portable litter box by using it every now and then at home too. Start using it a few days in advance when preparing for an adventure.

You have to make sure he can use a portable poop bucket or a pee pad.

The same rule applies to pee pads. Sometimes it can be raining heavily and your dog might not be able to take the customary 7 circles and 19 strolls before finding a place to poop at. You have to make sure he can use a portable poop bucket or a pee pad. Use it at home too from time to time to make sure he identifies the object and knows what to do with it (or on it!)

Try to make sure your pet does not feel threatened when doing his business. This will make him go freely when outdoors too. Don’t try to play with him or call him when he’s ‘in the toilet’. Nobody wants to be disturbed around that time. Nobody 😉

3 – Practice makes man’s best friend perfect

Do you remember the first time you went for a jog? You probably got to half a mile and were gasping for air. It must have taken a few days to run a mile without pausing. Just like that, pets need to start small too.

Cats might want to explore on a leash or just be carried. Small dogs too. You will have to start with smaller adventures and understand what your pet’s stamina and nature are.

Venture out to the pet-friendly store and practice your commands. You can even camp in your own backyard or travel an hour or two to the closest park and see how your pet does. Take baby steps before you plan to climb that steep hilltop with them. Always account for breaks and pitfalls. Don’t try to rush them.

Practice all the equipment or gear in advance. Harness, leash, reflective jackets, portable bowls and dishes, life jackets…get them used to everything at home. Sometimes you might need to pill your pet while outside or use a first-aid spray on them. It’s always easier if they are familiar with these things and don’t associate them with negative memories.

4 – Your pet should be familiar with the people or pets joining him outdoors


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Cats usually prefer sticking to the same humans and pets when outdoors. Changing the group can be a transition you will have to assist them with. Soooo… do that at home a few weeks before. Let your cat identify the gang before you decide to take her canoeing with them.

Man to pet ratio is important. Don’t take your dog or cat on an adventure with 10 other pets. Cats can tend to feel threatened and dogs can make a pack and ignore your commands altogether. Only when you are confident about your pet’s behavior should you bring along a play date.

5 – A happy adventure-loving pet can’t be a picky eater


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At NHV we always swear by healthy home-cooked meals. Pets live a longer and happier life on real cooked food. But we also recommend throwing in the mix some healthy and suitable wet and dry food from time to time. This would mean that on days when you are on the go and can’t cook, your pet won’t turn the nose up on what’s in the bowl. NHV Multi Essentials is a great herbal multivitamin that will help ensure that your picky eater’s getting all the nutrients he needs to follow you on your adventures.

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Mental and physical stimulation is important for all pets and even more so when you are trying to raise an adventure pet. This would mean playing indoor games and getting some outdoor exercise every day (every week for cats).

adventure pet

Deworming is essential too when raising an adventure pet. They will sniff and swallow icky things on each adventure. You can’t always be around to watch. A natural de-wormer like NHV Inulin PK can be administered for 3 months twice a year if you have an active outdoorsy pet. It helps expel any internal parasites.

Post adventure care is important too. Keep NHV Heal Care ointment handy and rub it gently on the paw pads and sore limbs after every adventure. Keeping your cat or dog used to taking supplements is also a good idea.

Sharing NHV supplements with the other pets in the house

Many pets need herbal support like ours when they start to age.

Many pets need herbal support like ours when they start to age. At this stage, some pet parents struggle to get their furry personalities to take their doses. It is better to train them young. Let them be familiar with the idea of getting a liquid squirted in the cheek pocket. Follow it up with treats and cuddles so that they know it’s all happy and usual, nothing out of the blue or harmful.

Pay attention to warming up and cooling down from the very start. This is important for all adventure pets – puppies, kittens, or seniors. Springing into action suddenly or switching into nap mode right after can be hard on the joints. Allow your pet to raise and drop tempo steadily.

Raising an adventure dog or an adventure cat is not rocket science. You just have to be patient and focus on the small things. First-time pet parents can do it too!

Start right away and tell us what was the first mini-adventure with your pet. A trip to the pet-friendly grocery store works too.

Special note: Always carry copies of their pictures with your contact number on them in case you need them as flyers. Keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date and make sure their collars are tagged correctly. Their travel kit should include first aid help and emergency contact information. Research all your outdoor gear and make all your preparations well in advance accounting for mishaps. NHV Travel Essentials are also great to keep handy if you are indeed raising an outdoorsy pup or kitten.

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: March 8, 2019

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